Sunday, January 01, 2006

Did you SEE the novely Air Force Ones!!??

So I rang in the New Year with a lot of love. Actually, that’s not true. I was too impaired to consider time itself.

But now, NOW, I am fine. Perfect, you could say.

I love everyone in my life at this particular moment.

If you were sharing your flakes of gold with me.
If you were bright red, looking at me from across a crowded room, and still managing to commiserate with me.
If you were opening your house to a bunch of not entirely conscious individuals.
If you were teaching about alcohol, either because you took a bartending course, or because you happen to be an alcoholic.
If you proclaiming my superiority in shot-drinking because I am white, and you are Asian.
If you are the legion of middle aged, drunk Serbs in my house right now.
If you hugged me just because.
If you shared your pie with me, with your four extra forks.
If you have breasts that act independently of your body.
If you invited me last minute.
If you were in the bathroom when I was trying real hard not to throw up.
If you were singing Whitney Houston.
If you were my father, who didn’t drink until AFTER he picked me up, then proceeded to drink and dance to his heart’s content.
If you are the lady at Shopper’s who wished us a happy New Year and handed us batteries.
If you asked me to go for a ride with you.
If you showed me a shooting star.
If you smell good.
If you touched my back in just the right way.
If your laundry flooded.
If you didn’t get your hair cut.
If I didn’t crawl over you to get to the passenger seat.
If you kept asking me if I was in fact ok.
If stayed with me and kept me sane even though there were much more interesting things to do on floor with a lack of friction.
If you said goodbye to me, even though I wasn’t all there.

I can’t wait to spend this new year with you. All of you.

So, um, I’d go to bed now if there weren’t a whole bunch of crazy people in my house having an impromptu luau. Maybe coming home wasn’t such a great idea. :)

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